Baylor University Institute for Oral History

Gilbert Tuhabonye

Baylor University Institute for Oral History
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00:00:24 - Growing up Fuku

Play segment

Subjects: learning stories from his grandmother, family owning lots of cows, earning his nickname Tumagu , running, fetching water

00:07:22 - Stories passed down

Play segment

Subjects: story of Rwandan independence

00:08:59 - Memories of school

Play segment

Subjects: running, dehydration, attempting to take sugar crops

00:13:17 - Activities at home

Play segment

Subjects: playing soccer, growing up around cows, bashingantahe (local group of elders that maintain justice), riding a banana, playing the game "kick the lion," playing hide and seek

00:18:20 - Hunting with his family

Play segment

Subjects: hunting deer, gazelles, and monkeys, pygmies eating meat

00:20:23 - Growing up in the Church

Play segment

Subjects: going to an Italian Catholic school, wanting to be a priest or go to seminary school, religion class, family of mixed religious practices, attending church every day, friends at church, selecting his confirmation name

00:27:37 - Influence from his older brother

Play segment

Subjects: older brother going to college, seeing his brother get shoes for the first time, family in the city, privileges with education

Hyperlink: Kinyarwanda
00:31:25 - Attending school in Kibimba

Play segment

Subjects: selecting preferences for university, riding in a car for the first time, inspiration from uncle living in Bujumbura, Lake Tanganyik, seeing a shower for the first time

Hyperlink: Bujumbura
00:37:48 - Impressions of Kibimba

Play segment

Subjects: making friends, starting school

00:39:22 - Tribal Differences in Rwanda

Play segment

Subjects: Twa, Hutu, Tutsi, Pygmy, as a child not noticing differences between Hutu and Tutsi, respect and sharing between each other, Twa tribal differences, Tutsi owning land and cattle, Hutu working for Tutsi people

00:43:00 - School experiences in Kibimba

Play segment

Subjects: making friends with older students, connections with teachers, learning at boarding school, fun memories with friends

00:46:11 - Beginning Competitive Running

Play segment

Subjects: inspiration from coach, running track and wining awards, playing drums, practicing leadership, playing handball, travelling with competitions

00:50:53 - Tensions in Rwanda build

Play segment

Subjects: learning that Hutu have killed Tutsi, privilege to study and serve in the library, the election of 1993

Hyperlink: Melchior Ndadaye
00:55:25 - Coup in Rwanda October 1, 1993

Play segment

Keywords: "Today is this. I’m going to cut your throats.”

Subjects: Radio being disconnected, Coup in Rwanda, mistreatment by instructor

01:00:43 - Action at school in the wake of the Coup

Play segment

Keywords: "And it was Hutu that went on the radio and said, 'Revenge. Everywhere you see a Tutsi, a child—a baby, a grownup—eliminate.' ”

Subjects: taking teachers away to burn them, mob wanting to attack the school, headmaster wanting to crucify Gilbert

01:03:53 - Organizing an escape from the school

Play segment

Subjects: leaving belongings behind, organizing a run to an army camp Mwaro, deciding to make a peaceful walk with no weapons in hand

01:05:47 - Mob attacking Gilbert and his companions

Play segment

Subjects: Being held hostage by a mob, throwing spears, shooting arrows

01:07:58 - Taking Tutsis to be burned alive

Play segment

Keywords: "Outside, they are screaming. They are chopping off the ears of kids. They are hitting machetes in their necks. They are beating the kids. I’m terrified."

Subjects: Tutsis being tied together to be burned alive, Gilbert being placed in isolation after Headmaster decides he wants to crucify him, Gilbert being stripped of his belongs and clothing, beating children to paralyze them

01:11:59 - Killing the Tutsis

Play segment

Subjects: mass murder of school children

01:14:08 - After the massacre

Play segment

Subjects: soldier comes and finds Gilbert still alive

01:16:32 - Escaping from the sight of the massacre

Play segment

Keywords: "And finally, I’m like, You know what? I’m going to die outside. If they kill me—if they chop off my head—fine. At least, my parents when they come to get—to see a piece of me, they’ll be able to see a piece of Gilbert."

Subjects: escape, being chased by guards, planned parts of genocide, dangers of ignorance

01:25:32 - Encounter with a pack of Hutus

Play segment

Subjects: women giving him water and jacket, lying about his ethnicity, Hutus measuring Gilbert's nose, forehead, ankles and hands

Hyperlink: Rumonge
01:25:32 - Escape to a hospital

Play segment

Keywords: hiding in a maternity room in a hospital, avoiding soldiers who think he is an inhuman devil, soldiers attacking the hospital, reuniting with a classmate, killing young girls

01:30:43 - Being taken to an army hospital

Play segment

Subjects: Family holding a funeral for Gilbert until someone tells them that Gilbert is in fact alive, older brother transferring him to a closer hospital, reuniting with his parents

01:32:05 - Reflecting on genocide while in the hospital

Play segment

Subjects: forgiving in order to move on, finding joy in running

01:34:16 - Reaction to further trouble around the world

Play segment

Subjects: current trouble in Burundi, starting a foundation to help Rwandans

01:35:40 - Returning to Rwanda

Play segment

Subjects: Going back to Rwanda in 2011, learning about planned genocide, meeting those who rescued him, returning to the place where he almost died, what can you do to prevent genocide

01:37:34 - Telling his story

Play segment

Subjects: attempting to kill himself while in the fire, hearing a strong voice within himself

01:39:29 - Concluding in Song