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00:00:00 - Leaving his law office and forming an artillery company 00:06:58 - Recruiting for the Artillery Battery E in Downtown Waco 00:08:16 - Army officer correcting Naman’s dress uniform 00:10:22 - Change in recruitment after passage of the draft 00:11:03 - Difficulties in finding a local barracks site 00:13:14 - Training at an equitation school at Camp Bowie (Fort Worth, TX) 00:16:52 - Drilling with horses and guns 00:22:43 - Death of father in 1915/Family composition at this time 00:26:54 - End of Interview #5 – Beginning of Interview #6 00:27:47 - Composition of batteries/friendships forged during the war 00:33:47 - Popularity of WWI in Waco/Selling the war for recruiting 00:36:01 - Pay rate while in the US Army/Contributing to officers’ fund 00:37:17 - Experiences with French troops/Differences in dining habits 00:43:38 - Sailing to France in August 1918 00:44:29 - Watch assignment on the ship during voyage to France 00:45:55 - German submarine attack while on watch 00:48:33 - Arrival in Saint Nazaire, France, and living assignments in Brest 00:52:10 - March to Coetquidan, France/Restlessness while waiting for assignment 00:55:30 - Volunteering for observation school duty with the French Artillery Corps 01:00:17 - Description of how artillery observation posts mathematically coordinated to return fire 01:02:16 - Living with French families just outside the active warzone 01:05:19 - Witnessing troop movements for General Pershing’s drive at Saint Mihiel 01:06:20 - Reaching the front lines and witnessing observation behavior across the line 01:10:44 - Exchanging chocolates for wine while travelling on train back to rejoin his outfit 01:12:40 - Arrival in Paris/Fear in the town of the German’s long-range gun 01:15:38 - Touring Paris on the Champs Elysees and purchasing fancy English boots 01:18:27 - Spending an evening at the Folies Bergeres 01:20:32 - Gaining the nickname “Beaucoup Boots” upon his return to Coetquidan 01:23:03 - French artillery training received by the battery 01:26:51 - News of the Armistice reaches the outfit/Waiting for orders until April 1919 01:27:46 - New administrative duties at the camp, including sentencing men for minor offences