Baylor University Institute for Oral History

Savann Kruoch

Baylor University Institute for Oral History
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00:00:25 - Early life in Cambodia

Play segment

Subjects: 1954, Takeo province, Buddhism, Communists, father's death, mother, school, Phnom Penh, separation, 1977, children, starvation, rice field, irrigation, 1972

Hyperlink: Takeo province
00:06:55 - Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia

Play segment

Subjects: 1979 Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia, Jungle, death of a friend

00:08:17 - Family life in Cambodia

Play segment

Subjects: Rice farming, school, Phnom Penh, Communists overtaking countryside

Hyperlink: Phnom Penh
00:10:30 - Communist advance in Cambodia 00:13:01 - Life in the city

Play segment

Subjects: bombs, family, first-generation college student, pharmacist, migration to the city, Communists

00:19:15 - Looking outside of Cambodia 00:21:00 - Facing Communism

Play segment

Subjects: college, safety, identification, new clothing, sick people, evacuation

00:25:50 - Journey out of Phnom Penh

Play segment

Subjects: family, transportation, French, English

00:29:32 - Transfer to work camp

Play segment

Subjects: family, jungle, building, barn, beating, guns, malnutrition

00:33:08 - Work camp team

Play segment

Subjects: build a street, produce rice, new rice fields, killings, starvation, working people to death, independence, assignments

00:36:36 - Life laboring

Play segment

Subjects: assignments, strength, harvesting, food, China, bicycles, trade, materials made in China, 1975 arrive at the farm

00:39:24 - Vietnamese invade Cambodia

Play segment

Subjects: 1979, survival, elderly woman children, guards

00:42:51 - Communists falling

Play segment

Subjects: Vietnamese arrival, jungle, mountains

00:45:13 - Escape from the camp

Play segment

Subjects: Vietnamese invasion, starvation, border with Thailand

00:49:20 - Leaving Cambodia

Play segment

Subjects: independence, nourishment, friends, liberty army

00:52:02 - Refugee camp

Play segment

Subjects: United Nations, pediatric hospital, medicine supply

00:53:26 - Religious experience

Play segment

Subjects: Christianity, the book of John, Jesus Christ

00:55:12 - Concern for family

Play segment

Subjects: family, communication, United States, sponsorship

00:58:13 - Leaving the Refugee Camp

Play segment

Subjects: hospital, fire, Communists, France, United States

01:00:29 - Relocating permanently

Play segment

Subjects: Australia, France, New Zealand, United States, interviewing, sponsorship, Christians, Bangkok, meeting his wife

01:07:57 - Call to mission work

Play segment

Subjects: Refugee camp, starting a church, Vietnamese, Catholic, 1985

01:10:49 - Genocide's affect on Kruoch as a pastor 01:11:44 - Returning to Cambodia 01:12:25 - Pervading memories 01:13:22 - Remembering woman who gave rice 01:14:43 - Discussion of conversion

Play segment

Subjects: Buddhism, labor camp, hopelessness

01:16:42 - Behavior of the Communists

Play segment

Subjects: Stealing, Phnom Pehn, peace, excitement

01:18:25 - Separation from friends 01:19:11 - Thoughts on the legacy of the genocide

Play segment

Keywords: "the world did not know"

Subjects: slaves, starvation, survival, China, Communists, America, 1981, Catholic Charities

01:23:40 - Work in refugee services 01:23:41 - Life in the United States

Play segment

Subjects: Catholic Charities, Houston TX, support, food, housing, money