Baylor University Institute for Oral History

Harjudin Jusupovic

Baylor University Institute for Oral History
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00:00:53 - Early memories of Bosnia

Play segment

Subjects: Rogatica, low crime rate, nostalgia

Hyperlink: Rogatica
00:02:58 - The death of Josip Tito

Play segment

Subjects: mourning the death of Tito, grandparents' influence

Hyperlink: Josip Broz Tito
00:04:50 - Family life

Play segment

Subjects: father as a machinist, Republics within Yugoslavia, Croatia, oil fields in Libya, economy worsening, working, desire to speak English, writing short stories

00:09:28 - Watching the War approach 00:11:28 - Independence in Bosnia 00:13:02 - War begins 00:15:28 - Ethnic differences in Bosnia

Play segment

Subjects: Serbs, city of Visěgrad

Hyperlink: Visěgrad
00:18:39 - Moving as the war gets worse

Play segment

Subjects: mass graves, Libya, Croatia, fear, Yugoslavian national army

Hyperlink: River Drina
00:23:57 - Life in Žepa during the war

Play segment

Subjects: bombings, grenades, Yugoslavian army, planes, lack of food, United Nations

Hyperlink: Žepa
00:35:59 - The war in Srebrenica

Play segment

Subjects: airplane bombings, market goods, travelling, the Yugoslavian army, radio broadcasting

Hyperlink: Srebrenica
00:41:15 - United Nations intervenes

Play segment

Subjects: United Nations in 1993, Bosnian army, trucks carrying food for refugees

00:43:23 - The war after U.N. intervention

Play segment

Keywords: "It was protected but it didn't feel safe."

Subjects: Ukrainian soldiers, exchange of goods

00:46:08 - Bosnian War begins

Play segment

Subjects: Srebrenica falls, refugees, arson, hiding in the woods

00:50:57 - Escaping from Bosnia

Play segment

Subjects: Serbia, Macedonia, travelling in a group, River Drina

Hyperlink: Macedonia
00:53:27 - Capture in Serbia

Play segment

Subjects: interrogation, border patrol, machine guns, transportation in trucks, Sljivovica

Hyperlink: Sljivovica
00:57:33 - Arriving at Sljivovica

Play segment

Subjects: conditions in the camp, isolation, Red Cross, beatings, interrogation

Hyperlink: Sljivovica Camp
01:02:44 - Red Cross coming to Sljivovica

Play segment

Subjects: cigarettes, paying for food, Serbians, stealing money, giving present to his girlfriend while detained in concentration camp

01:07:36 - Relationship with wife while in concentration camp 01:08:13 - Life before being transferred to the U.S.

Play segment

Subjects: Red Cross, speaking English, Australia, United Staes, Canada, hope, deception, freedom, Belgrade, Athens

Hyperlink: Belgrade
01:12:55 - Coming to the United States

Play segment

Subjects: Western culture, Catholic charities

01:14:21 - Adjusting to life in the United States

Play segment

Subjects: work, community, first job in the United States, Drano factory, pasta factory, parents arrive in the United States, marriage to wife, interactive learning systems

01:20:22 - Family coming to the United States 01:22:24 - Returning to Croatia 01:23:33 - Computer work in Žepa

Play segment

Subjects: Žepa, Srebrenica, Sarajevo, Gorazde, recieving orders from the government

01:26:17 - Deciding what to keep during the genocide 01:27:59 - Sharing his story