Baylor University Institute for Oral History

Baisa Heldic

Baylor University Institute for Oral History
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00:00:31 - Early memories in Bosnia

Play segment

Subjects: Serbian, family, freedom, Communism, President Tito, Muslims, Christians, Croatia, 1992, divorce, child custody rights

Hyperlink: Josip Broz Tito
00:06:59 - Life with a young daughter

Play segment

Subjects: daughter, maternity leave, Zenica

Hyperlink: Zenica
00:08:08 - Bosnia after the death of General Tito

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: singing, soccer, neighbors, World War Two, lack of grocery goods, democrats, Communists, Muslims, job loss, Banja Luka

Hyperlink: Banja Luka
00:10:47 - Other noticeable differences after Tito's death

Play segment

Subjects: names, religion, doctors, Catholics, Muslims, Serbs

00:12:35 - Effect on Muslim community

Play segment

Subjects: cities, Banja Luka, religion, Serbs, Catholics

00:15:03 - Bosnian independence & working in flea market

Play segment

Subjects: 1991, losing work, Bosnian independence, flea market, Catholics, Muslims, Serbs

00:19:56 - Life in Banja Luka during Bosnian War

Play segment

Subjects: flea markets, sister's family, Serbs, Muslims, Catholics, front line of the war, trenches, beating to death, rape

00:25:24 - Relations with Serbs

Play segment

Subjects: flea market, Croatia, sister's husband taken, tonsillitis, Serbs, music concert, Orthodox Church, remaining ethnic conflict

00:33:12 - Work during the war

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: market, soldiers, fruits and vegetables, surviving, Banja Luka, Serbs, starvation, packages

00:39:56 - Getting out of Banja Luka

Play segment

Subjects: Muslims, Croatia, no electricity, coffee, death of mother and brother

00:46:19 - Desire to become a teacher

Play segment

Subjects: veterinarian, language

00:47:58 - Ethnic relations worsen during Bosnian War

Play segment

Subjects: neighbors, visits, stealing, killing, police, jail

00:52:17 - Knowing it's time to leave Bosnia

Play segment

Subjects: Red Cross, children, Serbs, buses

00:54:30 - Journey out of Banja Luka

Play segment

Keywords: "The worst time in my life."

Subjects: stealing, stockyards, radio, mass killings, Croatia, Catholics, rape

00:58:12 - Arriving at the border of Croatia

Play segment

Subjects: Sana River, soldiers, Red Cross, United Nations, family, Denmark, Serbs, Muslims, Catholics

Hyperlink: Sana River
01:01:54 - Journey to Sibenik

Play segment

Subjects: Refugee camp, Sibenik, fear, son going to America

Hyperlink: Sibenik
01:05:20 - Reuniting with son 01:06:54 - Assistance from the Red Cross

Play segment

Subjects: interview with Red Cross

01:09:26 - Working in Sibenik

Play segment

Subjects: daughter's illness, asthma, lice, Zenica

01:12:47 - Travelling to Zenica

Play segment

Subjects: Norway, taxi driver, Catholics, Muslims, neighbors

01:19:30 - Arriving at Zenica

Play segment

Subjects: reuniting with family

01:26:00 - Preparing to leave Bosnia

Play segment

Subjects: Muslims, Arizona, Croatia, Sibenik, American officers, asthma, pictures, English, physical, bronchitis

01:32:47 - Serbs at the refugee camp 01:34:44 - Taxi Driver in Croatia 01:36:23 - Leaving Bosnia

Play segment

Subjects: December 1995, Sibenik, Trogir, airplane, smoking, Rome Italy, New York, American coffee, Bosnian coffee

Hyperlink: Trogir
01:42:45 - Arriving in the United States

Play segment

Subjects: asthma attack, San Luis Arizona, Dallas Texas, Phoenix Arizona, Christmastime

01:48:21 - Trying to visit with her son

Play segment

Subjects: Arizona, road maps, child visitation rights

01:56:38 - Life in America

Play segment

Subjects: job searching, Mexicans, Kentucky Fired Chicken, sponsoring her brother

02:08:26 - Taking care of others

Play segment

Subjects: travels to Bosnia every year, Serbs, Syrian refugees, Bill Clinton

02:14:09 - Returning to Bosnia

Play segment

Subjects: grandchildren, apartments, not moving back to Bosnia

02:16:33 - Legacy

Play segment

Subjects: war, English language

02:18:43 - Making history