Baylor University Institute for Oral History

Abdulah Hasic

Baylor University Institute for Oral History
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00:00:28 - Childhood memories

Play segment

Subjects: 1970, 1990s, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Former Yugoslavia, blindness, Sarajevo, mining, military

00:04:35 - Former Yugoslavia

Play segment

Subjects: General Josip Tito, Communism, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, East Germany, Capitalism, Socialism, education

Hyperlink: Josip Broz Tito
00:07:11 - Growing up in Bosnia

Play segment

Subjects: Bosnia and Herzegovina, summertime, chess, radio

00:09:12 - Childhood activities

Play segment

Subjects: Amateur "Ham" radio, chess, national competition, morse code, skype, facebook, communication, internet

00:14:14 - Experiences with ham radio

Play segment

Subjects: Soviet Union, politics, government, 1994

00:18:21 - Death of Josip Tito

Play segment

Subjects: 1980, Communism, Nationalism, Croatia, Slovenia

00:24:40 - Effects on family life in Bosnia

Play segment

Subjects: confusion, former Yugoslavia, Bosnia Herzegovina, family, Srebrenica, Croats, Serbs, Muslims, Soviet Union, Serbia

Hyperlink: Srebrenica
00:30:03 - Freedom

Play segment

Subjects: 1991 Croatia and Slovenia gain independence, 1992 Bosnia Herzegovina gain independence, military, chaos, control of information, political election, news, military repression

00:33:24 - Life in Sarajevo

Play segment

Subjects: Sarajevo, law school, 1991, ham radio, former Yugoslavia, Jews, Croats, Serbs, Montenegro, former Yugoslavia

Hyperlink: Sarajevo
00:36:57 - Law school

Play segment

Subjects: former Yugoslavia, blindness, telecommunications, medical school, college, physical therapy

00:41:12 - Beginning of Bosnian conflict

Play segment

Subjects: Sarajevo, 1992, barricades, 1993, United Nations, Serbian governments, 1995, hospital, ham radio, Srebrenica

Hyperlink: Bosnian War
00:48:24 - Life changing in Srebrenica

Play segment

Subjects: Srebrenica, Slovenia, Orthodox, Muslims, Concentration Camps, rape, uncles, para-military from Serbia

Hyperlink: Srebrenica
00:53:36 - Relocation & beginning of genocide

Play segment

Subjects: Srebrenica, 1993, United Nations, genocide, mass graves

00:57:54 - 1993: War worsens

Play segment

Subjects: property, water, United Nations, Serbian para-military, 1993, blindness, California, 1994, Canadian forces, 1995, Srebrenica, biological weaponry, Kentucky, tear gas

01:09:39 - Move to Tuzla

Play segment

Subjects: Unites Nations, 1993, ham radio, Croatia, freedom, family, Srebrenica, hospital

Hyperlink: Tuzla
01:13:48 - Connections with Srebrenica

Play segment

Subjects: communication, ham radio

01:17:24 - Experience of war in Tuzla

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: missiles, family, communication, ham radio, Srebenica, mobilization in the military, front-lines

01:22:51 - Change in Srebrenica

Play segment

Subjects: communication, 1995, family, Tuzla

01:24:33 - Moving from Tuzla to Germany

Play segment

Subjects: Frankfort University, Tuzla University

01:26:01 - Move to the United States

Play segment

Subjects: 1998, Frankfort, interview, embassy

01:30:26 - Germany in 1995

Play segment

Subjects: Srebrenica, ham radio

01:31:14 - Return to Bosnia

Play segment

Subjects: last contact with family, funeral for father and brother, church, mosque, disagreement with mother, Srebrenica, Sarajevo

01:35:45 - Opinion on general knowledge of the Bosnian genocide

Play segment

Keywords: "No one doesn't protect anyone."

Subjects: United Nations, protection, Washington Post, Srebrenica

01:39:30 - Discussion about his daughter

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Orthodox, hate

01:40:55 - Family's experience in 1995

Play segment

Subjects: naivety, media, governments, manipulation, Serbia

01:43:00 - Knowledge of outside countries

Play segment

Subjects: United Nations, Soviet Union's influence, 1995, United State's CIA, Serbian Para-military, French

01:44:30 - Difficulty in the United States

Play segment

Subjects: political science, independence, Europe, disability, former Yugoslavia