Baylor University Institute for Oral History

Serge Gasore

Baylor University Institute for Oral History
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00:00:42 - Family background

Play segment

Subjects: Rwanda 1986, grandmother, running, extended family, cattle/livestock, culture

00:08:58 - Childhood memories

Play segment

Subjects: punishment, responsibility, independence

00:10:25 - Hutu and Tutsi division

Play segment

Subjects: Hutu and Tutsi, physical appearance, cows, culture, economics, education, sports

00:17:45 - Church

Play segment

Subjects: Tradition, Catholic Church, status

00:20:15 - Beginning of Civil War

Play segment

Subjects: April 1994, death of President Habyarimana, RPF (Rwandan Patriotic Front), fear, culture, terrorism, chaos

00:28:10 - Moving to Ntarama Catholic Church 00:30:19 - Rwandan National Radio

Play segment

Subjects: RPF (Rwandan Patriotic Front), hate radio, news

00:33:32 - Interaction with Hutu neighbors

Play segment

Subjects: Confusion, attack, neighborhood watch, Hutu training

00:41:44 - Fleeing to the church

Play segment

Subjects: Cattle, attack, safe haven, Christians

00:45:15 - Beginning attack on church

Play segment

Subjects: militia, traditional weapons

00:48:18 - Third day of attack on church

Play segment

Subjects: weapons, targeting educated people, grandmother, grenades, altar, praying

00:52:26 - Escape from the chaos

Play segment

Subjects: running, genocide, family, group, bamboo bush

01:00:38 - Moving to the elementary school

Play segment

Subjects: reunion with family, rest

01:02:13 - Returning to Ntarama Catholic Church 01:03:31 - Moving back to school

Play segment

Subjects: attacks, stones, fighting, children

01:06:05 - Attack on the school

Play segment

Subjects: RPF, bow and arrow, governement soldier, secret service, buses, rain, female soldier encounter, Twa tribe, government

Hyperlink: Twa tribe
01:17:29 - Leaving the school

Play segment

Subjects: Bamboo bush, buses, attacks, hiding, suicide, clothes, ants, grenades, bullets, stones

01:22:10 - Bamboo bush

Play segment

Subjects: aunts, tumor, cousins, Simba (brother), cows, malaria

01:24:31 - Relationship with older brother

Play segment

Subjects: hardworking, bamboo bush, killers, food, attack, wounds, desperation, food

01:28:52 - Routine during the genocide

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: running, banana leaves, fire, guns, RPF, government, bamboo bush, teacher, money, numbness

Keywords: "When am I dying next?"

01:34:23 - RPF making progress 01:35:09 - Uncle being killed

Play segment

Subjects: human mutilation, hiding, Jesus, death, hope, Agnes and her husband killed

01:39:14 - RPF Victory

Play segment

Subjects: machetes, traditional weapons

01:45:13 - Moving to Kigali

Play segment

Subjects: disease, malaria, cholera, pneumonia, malnutrition, RPF, rape, innocence

Hyperlink: Kigali
01:48:54 - Cleaning himself for the first time in 100 days 01:50:20 - Searching for family

Play segment

Subjects: responsibility, brother, hiding

01:51:35 - Recovering

Play segment

Subjects: family, hospital, shower, new clothing, tea with sugar, sleep, capital of Rwanda (Kigali)

01:55:44 - Main recollections

Play segment

Keywords: "Who are we?" "Why do you treat another person like that?"

Subjects: dead bodies, trauma, moving forward, education, evil, nature, masterminds of genocide, conscious, moral education

Hyperlink: Rwandan genocide
01:58:56 - Providence

Play segment

Keywords: "Don't say it, just do it"

Subjects: God, faith, quoting the Bible, lost faith in people, names, changing the world

02:02:45 - Caring for others

Play segment

Subjects: government abusing its own people

02:05:08 - Rwanda Children Foundation

Play segment

Subjects: Wife, Burundi, working part-time, students, insurance, at-risk children

Hyperlink: Rwanda Children
02:14:07 - Legacy

Play segment

Subjects: Mexico, United Nations